I do not have a lot of time as I have to get to work.
We had two registered sex offenders one just moved away and the elders could care less never tried to find him to warn the next he went to or anyting.
The other registered sex offender was holding children and when I found out it stopped cold turkey. I was livid, when I found out. I got into huge trouble over it, threated with being DF'ed and marked as a person causing divisions in the hall. And all I did was tell one mom. That was it. I did not make a seen in the hall, I was just standing there this child molester picks up the little girl and starts to dance with her in the back of the Kingdom Hall say her name over and over like she is some girl friend of his. I just turned to the sister standing next to me and said that is so wrong. She asked why and I said he is a registered sex offender. She was shocked as he had been in the hall for 6 years and no had told her. That was the one who ran to the elders and the reason I was threated with being DF'ed and she let her kid sit with the other child molester for weeks after word.
The next child molester is the really scary one. He is called a sexual psychopath according to both is police and court records. But he did his crime in the 70's and got off parole two months before the Megan law came into affect. He clearly raped little girl.
Oh the story I can tell. My husband has been deleted as an elder over it, as this guy shoved him in the hall just last spring. My husband was an elder for 32 years conducted the school having a heart attack and then the elders let me drive my husband alone to the hall but this baby rapist shoves my husband and bam my husband is deleted.
This guy loves to go door to door. Loves to. I know I need to get pictures. He touches kids in the hall. And laughs in my face over it. He has been married twice to JW woman alone not to mention how many time he has been engaged to sisters in the truth all with little girls expect the time he was engaged to my sister who was sexuly abuse long story.
Oh My God. It makes me sick.
I have to run to get to work but I have done what I can. I have begged and pleaded the elders to help me. NOTHING. They love this man.
I have went to the police for the ones who suggested it. That is how I got the police records. This guy is a psychopath he is GOOD. The police cannot do anything until he commits anther crime. So there is nothing I can really do but warn people and show the ones who will look at them the records I have.
Sorry for any misspelled words in this has I am in a hurry.